Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quick Carpet Stain Removal Tips

We bring you some handy stain removal tips using house hold items once again.

Here are some products you can use to clean stains from your carpet. Try blotting the stain with:

- Hydrogen peroxide

-Denatured or rubbing alcohol

-Club soda or other clear sodas such as Sprite or ginger ale

-Milk (Saturate the stain and leave overnight before blotting with a damp cloth or sponge)

Never apply heat to the stain. This will lock in the stain and removal will be next to impossible. Also be careful to avoid stain reappearance. Sometimes, the staining agent gets deep down into the base of the carpet. When you clean the carpet, you might remove only the stain from the top portion. In a while, the liquid that is left in the base of the carpet is absorbed by the fibers and works its way back to the top of the carpet causing the stain to reappear. To avoid this, clean the stain with one of the above solutions and cover with a thick towel. Place heavy weights over the towel to absorb all the staining liquid. Leave this for a few hours.

Another good tip to remember is to test out any stain remover in a hidden area of your carpet to make sure it won't damage your carpet further. If you are too afraid to try and experiment on your carpet, you could call in the professional carpet cleaning service providers. However, there are things to know before you choose the right cleaning service provider. If you still want to resort to using a chemical, there are plenty of chemical products in the market to assist you. Just be sure to read the label to understand if the product is compatible with your particular carpet. Also, make sure to follow all the guidelines as given by the product itself.


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  2. I really tried with rubbing alcohol when I was doing the one off cleaning. Fortunately, it worked well.

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